school children

 FCGS (Fairfield County Genealogy Society)
Contact Information

Mail: Fairfield County Genealogy Society
P.O. Box 93, Winnsboro, SC 29180-0093
Location: Fairfield County Museum (2nd Floor)
231 S. Congress St., Winnsboro, SC

NOTE: FCGS Does Not Solicit Funds By Email.
Any Email Requesting Funds Should Be Treated As SPAM!
Phone: (803) 635-9811
Facebook: Fairfield County Genealogy Society
Library Hours: Monday thru Friday 10:00AM-5:00PM (Lunch Noon-1:00PM)
Saturday 10:00AM-2:00PM, Sunday closed
Volunteer staffed, please call ahead, verify assistance available

*** H E A D S - U P ! ! ! ***
Saturday, May 18 through Sunday, June 2, 2024
Eddie Killian Genealogist, Researcher, Library Manager, FCGS President and Webmaster
will be out of the office, but will be checking email.